Rhythmic Clock
This clock uses rhythms to show the time.
In this article, youâll learn how the hours and minutes are turned into music.
When youâre ready, press play and âhear the time.â

XMonad Cubic Setup
This is a setup with 24 workspaces that are arranged in a cubemap type of way.
Each workspace has as its background a picture from a common scene from a unique angle,
so that as you move around the workspaces, it feels like moving inside the scene!
1D Spacetime: Living On a Line
We explore a simplified version of spacetime with only 1 space dimension.

Robot Returns: Space from Sensations
In the
last article
we started from the outside point of view of what it means for the robot to exist in space, and then transposed it to the interior point of view of the robot.
Here we go the opposite way, start with the raw sensations and the dances and build a space out of it.
Robot Tales: Space Is Not Outside
What is space?
Is it exterior or interior to us?
Letâs challenge the common sense answer that space is something that contains us.
Weâll use a toy model of a small robot, which lives in a 4 points space,
to explore those questions in a simplified setting.
As we explain what space means to the ârobotselfâ đ€, we also learn about our spacetime.

A Web Application to Move Around Hyperbolic Space
What does it feel like to live in hyperbolic space?
Here we have a simple app where you can move in different spaces (including hyperbolic, spherical, and flat geometry).
The application is minimalistic as it only shows your trace or trajectory as you move around.
Hopefully, this is enough to give you a feel of that space.